Interim Finance Corporation
Interim Finance Corporation (“Interim Finance” or “IFC”) believes that sometimes good management and good businesses need short term access to some additional capital.
For the past three years, mid market and small businesses in North America and Europe have looked to Interim Finance to help at times when their traditional lenders fall short or when bridge financing is required for a transaction, large purchase order, restructuring, turnaround support or some other unique event.
Interim Finance provides high yield, secured credit to world wide industry. Loans are typically less than two million dollars, for a term of less than one year. IFC’s process strives to provide credit in three weeks from the time of an agreed conditional term sheet.
The structure of an IFC loan is typically an asset based revolving credit facility. They do not participate in securities placements or look for actual or synthetic equity ‘kickers’ to boost returns.
Range Corporate Advisors has the privilege of advising and assisting IFC on various activities, including borrower due diligence, underwriting and administration.
Can Interim Finance assist you? Feel free to call us at Range Advisors and we can discuss the solutions.
Posted by Scott Sinclair, Range Advisors and John Klarer, Interim Finance
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